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Failure To Attend (FTA)

Every missed appointment costs the NHS £160!
Cancellations & Failure to Attend
St Johns Dental will endeavour to manage our appointments system to avoid delays in appointment times and minimise loss of surgery time through cancellations and failed appointments.
In our practice we:
ï‚· Communicate with patients in a courteous, friendly and professional manner
ï‚· Make sure that patients receive full information about our services,
treatment and costs
ï‚· Provide advice and treatment outside normal surgery hours where necessary
ï‚· Refer patients for further professional advice and treatment where
In our practice we will:
ï‚· Manage our appointments system so that treatment appointments are
booked no more than 2 weeks ahead
ï‚· Ensure that patients should have to wait no longer than 10 minutes to be
seen. Where there is a further delay, we will explain the reasons.
ï‚· Remind patients of their appointment by phone, text, and email
ï‚· Monitor our waiting times for (i) treatment and (ii) for booking appointments
ï‚· Provide as much notice as possible when appointments have to be changed
or cancelled and explain the reasons
ï‚· Advise patients if there is a change of dentist
In return, we would like you to:
ï‚· Participate in your dental treatment, particularly any advice about prevention
and diet that we have asked you to continue at home
ï‚· Arrive on time for your appointment. Please give the practice at least 24
hours notice if you are unable to keep your appointment.
ï‚· Advise us of any changes to your contact details (address, telephone
numbers, email) to help us keep our records up to date and ensure that we
are able to contact you
Failed to attend Appointments
(Which can result in De-registration from the practice)
The practice policy is that:
ï‚· if you fail to attend your first new patient examination you will automatically
will be de-registered without notice.
ï‚· If you attend late to your appointment, the dentist reserves the right to turn
you away, to which the appointment will go down as a missed appointment
ï‚· If you fail to attend three examination appointments, the practice reserves
the right to de-register you from the practice
ï‚· If you fail to attend two treatment appointments, the practice reserves the
right to de-register you from the practice
ï‚· If you late cancel an appointment within the 24 hours’ notice period, the
appointment will automatically go down as a missed appointment
ï‚· Rude/aggressive behaviour towards any staff members, will result in de-
register from the practice (Zero-tolerance policy)
ï‚· Private treatment deposits will be lost for non-attendance including
cancelling within 24hours chargeable up to £200 per hour of clinic time
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